NOTE: Well, the last post i wrote about it seemed to dissapear when i downloaded it onto the computer.
im too lazy to rewrite the entire thing honestly so ill do a small summary about it.
So theres this new kid at my school. he is exhibiting some worring behavior. stalking, weird comments
,so classify someone as the "weird kid." I have had a couple of run ins with him and tried to avoid him since he's been very weird to the others girls in my class, and because he posted a dead cow on his instagram story.
So like a day or 2 ago i was eating lunch with my bestfriend. We both realized that he would just stare at us as we ate
but we didnt really think much of it at first. Eventually we did become uncomftorable wth him, so
we hid in the restroom for a minute or 2, and when we went back to our table he would just stare at us.
I got more uneasy, i ddint even dare look up, i spent the entire time on my phone. For a split second,
i did look at him, and i was petrified in fear by how he looked at me. I decided to make up an excuse
to leave the table and asked my friend to accompany me.
I ended up going to the snack bar and bought a cookie for the both of us, as we walked back to our spot
i noticed that he was standing up, looking at us. We got extra creeped out, and he went back to his tabe when we sat down.
This new guy has also been looking at me while im outside waiting for my mom to pick me up. He stands in the middle of the sidewalk, just looking. When I walk to the car i do a whole turn to avoid him, but he still looks.
My mom and brother do know about him and suggest that i report him, but this school tends to be very
lenient for some reason this year. For the last thing he did, all he got was a DAY of detention for something
that would have gotten him in trouble with the police if it were in a different setting.