The Den of Elari


I have been asked multiple questions when I became catholic again.

"Have you come to terms with your SSA? Have you tried praying the gay away?"" All those questions will be answered here!

NOTICE: Most of these are incomplete, but will be completed shortly

Q: When did you realize that you were attracted to the same gender?

A: I think I was about 8 or 9 years old. I was a huge Pokemon fan (still am) and I was watching it on the TV. There was this one specific episode where Ash Ketchum crossdressed as a girl in order to fight the gym leader. I dont know why, but my younger self thought "OH! He looks cute as a girl! I wish he was a girl!." And then I developed a crush on a girl from the earlier seasons lol, I think her name was lacy or something, all I remember was that she had an Electabuzz. The first girl I ever had a crush on was my bestfriend. However, due to a falling out we now despise eachother. I wanted to be with her, but im thankful that I didn't date her because looking back she was very toxic.

Q: Have you tried praying the gay away?

A: Yes, multiple times and all my attempts of becoming straight have failed! Instead, I became gayer!

Q: Do your parents know about your SSA?

A: My parents don't know about my blog or my SSA. And I hope they never find out. If they did, there would likely be severe consequences, and I would be in danger. For the sake of my well-being, I have decided to keep these aspects of my life private from them.

Q: What is the main goal of your blog, and what do you hope to achieve with it

To be completely honest, the whole "being catholic and liking girls" part of the blog wasn't even the original plan for this lol, originally it was gonna be kinda like a prayer site where I'd post and rant about the stories of the saints since I LOVE learning about them. I randomly thought about it part while I was bored in AP physics class and decided to go from there.

To me this is just a journal. the only difference is that this journal is not only viewable to me but to the whole internet lol. Sometimes I wonder if this blog would ever serve a purpose to anyone, sometimes I wonder if im doing more harm than good by documenting my thoughts on here. Of course, im still trying to learn more about my faith and trying to be closer to it so this is kinda a learning experience for me.