The Den of Elari

Dad is okaaay!

My dad has been at the hospital for almost a week, and my mom told me that she made a promise to God, that if my dad went out of the hospital okay that we would start going to mass! However, she thinks that going to mass every Sunday is too excessive and tells me that we are going once every two weeks. A little bit confusing but hey we're getting there

Dad has heart problems, and it was something he always had even when he was young. What happened to him was that his heart and lungs seemed to have fluids that would bloat his body, if he didn't go to the hospital when he did, he would've most likely died. Apparently, the fluids were either caused by a clotted artery (I dont remember this one correctly) or because he drank too much.

He is fine now, it's just that the medication the nurses are giving him is making his blood pressure very low. From now on he's going to be taking medication for his condition so he can live a long, healthy life. I just can't believe it took him almost dying to realize that drinking all that liquor was killing him. Even when he was connected to all that medical equipment he still had the desire to drink alcohol, it was sad. And, when the doctors asked him if he drank he'd always deny that he didn't drink that much! It pisses me off hearing him lie about it.

While we waited for him to leave the hospital my mom took me and my younger brothers to the circus, it was pretty fun. My mom wasn't amused by it but I loved it, it was so silly, and going to the circus was always something I wanted to do. We only went to watch the first half of it because we had to visit my father.

We didn't go to mass yesterday as he was still at the hospital, but we did watch the one they broadcast on the TV. After a couple of hours and almost a week of being at the hospital, we finally took our dad back home so he could rest.

Well, one thing is for sure I never want to see my father at the hospital ever again, and I hope I get to see him live longer. Even after the mistakes he made in the past, his temper, and his addiction to alcohol, he is still my dad and I should love him.