The Den of Elari

Mouse in the computer lab loool

Yesterday was my second say of school, it was waay better than the first day. I got to go to my third and fourth period classes, which is Graphic Design II. Yknow im kinda pissed that i have that class for 2 hours! I wanted to take forensics! But apparently im supposed to take it because “the Texas government needs me to” or whatever, girl!?

Its not like im gonna become a graphic designer anytime in the future, i dont even see myself doing an artistic career despite people telling me that i should due to my drawing skills. I like to draw i really do, but art is something that id rather do on the side for extra money, not as a full time career.

So there I was in the corner of the computer lab with my bestie. Not even our first time stepping foot in here and we already have an assignment, but it isnt a complicated one. Its just a silly moodboard we do consisting of the images that we like/find, SO i was minding my business, doing my work, locking in on this assignment basically. Thats when i felt something looking at me, so I turned my head and looked at the empty space of the computer lab.

And there was a mouse, at first i was like “aww its so cute” until i remembered that i was at school and realized that there shouldnt be one here. At first i thought i was hallucinating, was that really a mouse? Was there one to begin with? Have the all nighters i did during the break finally catch up to me? I thought i was insane until i saw that small mouse run back to its corner. Yep, it was real. I told the teacher about the mouse and apparently it lives here, thats nice and all but i do not want a mouse to stare at me while im doing my work. Turns out most of the schools in my district are infested by rats and mice! How disguisting!

So yeah im never sitting on the floor in that class thats for sure…

Oh sad news, my rosary broke yesterday when I was at school :c. I didnt even realize that a part of it was missing until this morning, and i dont even think have the right beads to fix it. Maybe i can make into into like, a chain or some sort or something, but im gonna try finding some extra beads for my rosary,