Homecoming parade was mid
//this was written on Thursday I just forgot to post this lol
A fight early in the morning was not something I expected today. I dont even have the energy to get out of bed during this time but these girls have the energy to pull each other's hair like their lives depended on it.
Everyone suddenly got up cuz some dude screamed "fight fight fight!" And then everyone in the lunchroom crowded around them to watch the spectacle unfold in front of them! I was at the back of the lunchroom on my phone and honestly, I wasn't interested in it, because after all, it was barely 8 am. Please let me take a nap...
Schools going well, Yesterday my momma and I took my younger brothers to a parade cuz it's homecoming week. We expected them to throw candy cuz that's part of the tradition here at the school: Throw parade, throw large chunks of candy so the kids can get some, but they didn't even throw candy! I remember when they used to throw so much candy my brother and I would fill grocery bags with them! Heck, they'd even throw shirts and small toys! But my little brothers only got a handful. How sad.
I wasn't really satisfied with the parade until I saw my friend in one of the cars. I screamed and waved my hands at an erratic pace as I said his name over and over and said something like "POOOOOKIE!" Gosh, I just love my friends <3.
After the parade, I and my mom were talking about how things just aren't the same anymore in the city we live in. After all, many people are coming to live here and businesses are being made. The city is starting to build more homes, extending the driveways, adding sidewalks, etc. Just recently they've shut down my favorite place: The gas station with a subway in it, and they will tear it down in the next month. But they're gonna add a Starbucks and some other sandwich place so I guess that's nice. They're also gonna build a new high school and the one I'm at will become part of the middle school once I graduate.
I wanna graduate now I actually cannot take it anymore. Each time I see Jaqueline I physically twitch and sweat, and I just feel like curling up to a ball to avoid even looking at her. And then RHIS GIRL has the nerve to go up to me to ask for my dues for our Senior events like you better leave before I jump off the school building because you can't get the fact that you mentally abused me over a man that looks like a hairball through your damn head.