The Den of Elari

So Saturday I went to my art competition.

I got to school an hour earlier so I could get my artwork ready for when we went up to the bus. We had to wait for 8 other people to come before we went to struck so I wandered through the empty halls of my high school. Needless to say it was a bit weird seeing it empty and not lt as crowded as it is during the week.

2 hours later or so everyone was ready, so we got on the bus and went to Starbucks. To me going to Starbucks was the equivalent of an Amish person finding out video games were a thing, I was astonished! There were so many options that I was easily overwhelmed. Luckily I had a classmate of mine (let's call her pretzel) help order it for me. She ended up ordering something similar so we were twinning.

Then we went to Chick-fil-A, 19 minutes in we all ordered our food and got back in the bus. 19 minutes later we reacher our destination to where the competition was being held.

It was a high-school, but not like the one I went to. It was the equivalent of the ones you see in movies, very large! We stayed inside the very large auditorium until we had our interviews. Mine was supposed to be at 1:30. I ended up having it at 3.

Well, there were about a thousand other people from several schools here and the lines for the interviews were very long. I was standing in line for about an hour. When it was time for mine, I was very nervous.

The moment I sat down my interviewer mentioned that my medal looked like glass. I asked why but he seemed to avoid the question and mentioned that if I liked painting. I told the interviewer that I didn't, but that I wanted to challenge myself by using a medium that I struggled with. He then went on a rant about how I shouldn't follow my reference because apparently it'll "throw me off a cliff." He then mentioned that I should've done another medium instead, and that painting wasn't my best spot. Also talked about how I haven't unlocked my full potential, well I'm sorry that I'm still in school and have other stuff to focus on!

He then asked me what the meaning was, I answered by telling him how this was influenced by my faith. Then I saw his face change.

"Well, I'm cooked" I told myself once I noticed the shift in his demeanor.

That's when I was cut off and told that he appreciated the work. Before he wrote something down and told me that I was free to go... I haven't even had time to explain the meaning for my painting! I was upset about it and felt like all the time, effort, and tears I put onto my work was for nothing! Everyone in my group told me that the interview probably wouldn't affect my chanced of getting to area.

So we waited for my painting to show up in the display area, which was in the gym of this large school. Despite this it never showed up, near the end my painting didn't end up advancing to area. Everyone else was surprised about how I didn't advance, I was just there upset about my interview.