The Den of Elari

Day 1 of Lent:

One day in I almost ate meat. I was way too hungry in the morning so I ate a small piece of bread I found in the kitchen with some coffee.

I was hungry for the rest of the day and thankfully a friend of mine gave me a piece of gum to ease it. Later when I got home I ate some soya. My mom was making some hamburgers and asked my brother if he wanted one. Imagine my mom's shock when she realized it was Ash Wednesday.

Day 2:

I started painting something new for AP Art. It's meant to resemble how I feel spiritually. Nothing interesting happened besides seeing Peter for the 10th time this week. Now that I noticed, I'm starting to see them more often despite wanting to ignore them ever since I saw him at church. Peter was just standing there, staring at me from his pew as I gave the people around me the sign of peace. I'm not exaggerating when I say that his whole body was facing where I was despite him being next to his girlfriend!

This is also the second day I have prayed the rosary, I'm trying to force myself into doing it every day even if I do feel disconnected from God at this time. I wish i could describe the feeling, but there are no words I can use to properly articulate how I feel.