The Den of Elari

Its so cold outside guys im shaking brrr

Can’t you believe it guys!? Spring break! Just a week away! Woohoo! I’m so happy about this information!

I have been writing more outside of here. I have this small pink notebook I bought from the dollar store to keep things noted, like what I have to do today or any events that might come up later. For me, having those types of things on a phone or computer is less effective. When I do note an important thing on my phone I ignore it and go back to watching YouTube or scrolling through Pinterest.

Also, Today, I woke up to silence my alarm until I was hit by a cold wind and realized that my whole room was cold. This was a stark contrast to my warm blankets. It was 30 degrees outside, and the cold was seeping into my room. I didn't even want to get up, but I wrapped myself in a blanket and went to the kitchen to make myself some coffee to start the day.

Already back and I dont even want to be here, it's so crowded more than ever but luckily I went to the library to check in some books, so by the time I was done the hallways were relatively empty. I was fooling around with my best friend and even chased her around with a paper bag to hit her with it until one of the superintendents screamed that there was a minute left for class. The way I started running to class and had to slow down a bit because I was wearing boots was embarrassing. I did get to class on time tho, but the superintendent laughed as she noticed that I almost tripped.

An hour into class, my legs are feeling weak. I'm still getting used to the boots I'm wearing, so I’ll probably have to tolerate the burning sensation in my calves. But they’re super cute! My mom gave them to me!