Day 3:
I woke up to my dad vomiting. He stayed home for the rest of the day.
It was Friday, they made us all go to school for whatever reason. Most of my teachers weren't there so I had to sit in the gym for the entire day. I was fooling around with some friends until we came to the topic of bullying. It made me uncomfortable. They were talking about some of the bullying they experienced, so I decided to share one:
I was around 6 when some kids at the playground decided to grab me and force me to look at the sun. They were mocking me when I pleaded for them to stop. I kept my eyes closed as much as I could until one of them forced my eyes open. It felt like I was staring at the sun for hours. Since then I would always squint my eyes to see anything from a distance until I got glasses in second grade
My friends looked at me worryingly, I had moved on from it. However, I do hate wearing glasses because I have to adjust them every minute. Also Day 3 of praying the rosary! I tried my best not to get distracted by the things around me. When I was done praying it I found my old 20-decade rosary, spread it out, and was intimidated by its size. I'm baffled. How on earth did I pray all the mysteries every day last year? For me, it feels unreal.
Day 4:
No school because it's Saturday 😋.
We had to go to T-Mobile today because my dad's iPad was stolen, after that we went to Chick-fil-A. It was an uneventful day today.