"Elari, do you have a boyfriend yet?"
"Will you get married"
"Do you like anyone"
I swear each time I meet up with cousins or aunts they ask these questions! It's starting to get me pissed off. Don't get me started about the "when you get married..." stuff. I dont even have any interest in romantic stuff anymore, like I physically cannot imagine myself in a relationship now.
An aunt asked one of these questions and I just froze, I just said "Nothing, I'm not interested in anybody yet" and then mentioned grandkids and my future family and I was just there listening awkwardly, nodding with every word she said when I just wanted to eat my food. I then went to walk around my aunt's backyard because she mentioned how this one tree had some large balls hanging from it.
I don't know what they're called, but they're green and smell like a mix of oranges and lemons. My mom and I then got a whole bucket full of them to take home and do whatever with them. Were planning on using them as decoration!
But those questions bother me honestly. Why do they care so much? Besides it's already a headcanon in the family that I'm probably gay (can't admit to that because parents...). My relationship status it's not something I talk about, but I've had several peers tell me that they can never possibly imagine me in a relationship.
Sometimes they'd say some very disrespectful things! I had this one classmate tell me that I would probably be in an abusive relationship. MISS GIRL HUH? WHAT? WHAT MAKES YOU THINK SAYING THAT TO MY FACE IS OKAY? 😭🙏 I ALSO HAD THIS OTHER PERSON SAY THAT I PROBABLY DIE ALONE BECAUSE IM "too much". Okay then! Don't know why you said that but now I died a little inside! I even had that Jackie girl tell me that I'd be a bad mother, that one breaks me the most when I think about it even years later.